Torsion Springs and Extension Springs

Torsion springs and extension springs bear the weight of your garage door as it opens or closes. They are tightly wound coils storing immense energy ready to be released when needed – kind of like the Hulk waiting for his moment.But even superheroes falter sometimes. If these high-tension components break due to wear-and-tear or lackluster maintenance (we'll get there), they can cause serious damage — not only to your property but also potentially causing injury.

Cables And Rollers: Silent Heroes Of Your Garage Door System

The sturdy cables and rollers, while often overlooked next to their powerful counterparts mentioned above— play an equally vital role too. Think about them as supporting actors who never get enough credit.In this mechanical theater performance that happens every time you use your remote control, cables and rollers ensure smooth movement. If they wear out or get damaged, your garage door could derail— quite literally.

Tracks And Panels: The Backbone Of Your Garage Door

Garage door tracks and panels form the skeleton of your system. They hold everything together – kind of like how Fred holds up Daphne in Scooby-Doo's human pyramid. When these elements bend or break due to forceful impacts (oops...did you reverse into it again?) or weather-related issues, that seamless operation can turn clunky.

Importance of Professional Garage Door Repair

When your garage door starts acting up, it might be tempting to roll up your sleeves and fix it yourself. But did you know that DIY repairs can actually lead to more problems? Let's explore why professional help is crucial.

Brandon Garage Door Repair

(424) 484-7669

LOCATION: Pacific Palsiades, CA, USA
BUSINESS HOURS: Sun-Sat 8:00am - 8:00 pm